“Ask Jeff" is a weekly post made on the RyanAgency.com Blog.
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The internet is a wonderful tool and many of its resources are designed specifically to make our lives and our tasks easier, faster, and more convenient. As an example of such technology, over the last 5 years, many (if not most) insurance companies have developed the ability to provide their customers the opportunity to manage a large part of their insurance business online. Some common tasks that can be done online include:
We would love to have you stop by or call our office at any time. However, access to information 24/7/365 can sometimes be more convenient.
Even with the convenience and speed of conducting your insurance tasks online, it is likely you have some questions. We anticipated a few of them below and provided our responses.
Importantly, any reputable insurance company will make sure its websites are safe and secure to protect its customers’ personal and financial information. As a matter of fact, insurance companies in New York have to follow strict cybersecurity and data rules enforced by the state’s Department of Financial Services.
Some companies may require you to undertake a somewhat arduous account setup. After all, part of keeping your online information safe is to assure that you can be correctly identified and that only you have access to your account. Once you have completed your account setup, attending to your policies should be relatively easy. The good news is, if you are a Ryan Agency client, we will be glad to help you get your account set up with your insurance company and answer any questions you may have.
We are always here to help you and we recognize that even the best insurance company websites can’t accommodate every task related to your important insurance coverages. You are always warmly welcome to stop in and see us at the agency location nearest you, or to call us at 607-324-7500.
Which of Your Companies Provide Online Policy Management?
Great question. Several of our companies now offer online account creation and policy management. Please note that because we represent a large number of unique companies the online services available from each company will vary. Here is a list of some of the companies that we represent and that provide online account management:
If you would like to learn about your specific company’s online account opportunity please give us a call. You can also visit our
Customer Service Portal to learn more.
Just as a reminder, we are here for you! We LOVE helping our customers and we are happily standing by to serve you.
“Ask Jeff" is a weekly post made on the RyanAgency.com Blog.
Submit an insurance-related question to “Ask Jeff”.
This article may have been originally published at Quora.com.
To see Jeff's Quora.com profile click here.
Hornell: 607-324-7500
Jasper: 607-792-3800
Wellsville: 585-593-4244