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Your employees count on you to care about their needs. You can count on us for your insurance.
Employment practices liability insurance, also know as EPL insurance or EPLI, provides coverage to you as an employer against the risk of employee claims alleging discrimination (based on sex, race, age or disability, for example), wrongful termination, harassment and other employment-related issues.
Small or new businesses are often the most vulnerable to employment claims. Thatโs because they may lack a legal department or employee handbook detailing the policies and procedures that guide hiring, disciplining or terminating employees. That is why we work with business like yours to help protect them from employment claims.
Stop in and see us today, or give us a call. We would LOVE to learn more about your business and assist you with securing the right insurance coverage for it.
Hornell: 607-324-7500
Jasper: 607-792-3800
Wellsville: 585-593-4244