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We count on you to keep our lawns beautiful and our flowers growing. You can count on us for your insurance.
As a professional landscaper, you make sure our yards are the envy of the neighborhood and our trees and flowers are alive and full. It takes back-breaking physical labor and specialized knowledge to be successful at your work. That is why we appreciate all that you do! We know that the right insurance protection and the right cost is important to your business.
You face many risks, including the loss of growing stock, greenhouses and goods being transported to the job site or work truck accidents. Plus, improperly stored or handled chemicals, fuels or fertilizer could lead to fires or environmental problems. That is why we work with several top-rated companies to develop the best landscapers insurance package for you and your business.
Stop in and see us today, or give us a call. We would LOVE to learn more about your business and assist you with securing the right insurance coverage for it.
Hornell: 607-324-7500
Jasper: 607-792-3800
Wellsville: 585-593-4244