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Insurance companies offer various discounts for which their policyholders may qualify.
Though our agency diligently seeks those discounts on your behalf, they can occasionally be missed or even changed by the company itself without us being notified.
Most companies reveal on their declaration pages what discounts you are currently receiving. However, they may not show those that are available but not in use.
Real World Examples:
Credit Removed: We recently had a client contact us about the lack of a Usage-Based Credit that was removed from their policy. The company did not notify us of this change, and it was only after it was brought to our attention and a call to the company by our staff that an Odometer form had not been returned to them by the client. In this case, the company was more than willing to reinstate the discount once the required information was passed on to them.
New York State Spousal Liability:
Another example is when New York State changed the
Spousal Liability Law and
required insurance companies to charge for that extension of coverage. This requirement applies to all NYS Auto Insurance Policies, even if you are not married. A review of this coverage part and its effect on your insurance rates varies by insurance company.
Defensive Driver Discount: It’s important to know that the “New York Point and Insurance Reduction Program” (what we commonly call the Defensive Driver Course) provides a discount for three (3) years. The company automatically removes the discount once that three years is over without notifying the insured. Keeping track of this can help prevent unwelcome surprises on renewal.
See Tip # 1 for more information.
Mileage Discounts: The rating of vehicle usage and mileage varies from company to company. Many companies are now monitoring databases that show your mileage between service intervals and will update policies accordingly. Still, if your driving habits have changed, it is likely unknown to your agency and the company until you communicate that information.
As the examples above suggest, discounts vary between insurance companies and the programs they offer. Life and vehicle changes may impact the discounts available to you. Consider us your partner, and happy to review the discounts you have and those that may be available!
“Ask Jeff" is a weekly post made on the RyanAgency.com Blog.
Submit an insurance-related question to “Ask Jeff”.
This article may have been originally published at Quora.com.
To see Jeff's Quora.com profile click here.
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