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The risks of texting and driving is a current safety awareness trend, but that is just one small part of the whole "distracted driving" picture. In fact, statistics are showing that simply daydreaming is actually the more common cause of distraction. Analysis of car accident police data shows some surprising facts about the root causes of many crashes. Distraction by the Numbers Here are some figures to help illustrate the various ways you can be distracted while driving, and how relevant they are in terms of causing fatal accidents. Looking at the past 5 years, approximately one in ten fatal accidents was caused by distraction. But there are many different sources for that distraction, and phone or texting is only one. Nearly two-thirds (61% actually) of these are caused by general inattention or daydreaming. The next largest cause is phone use, but that only comes in at 14%. Other common causes of distraction can be events outside the car (6%), other occupants in the car (5%) or reaching for things while driving (2%). Eating or drinking is another one we hear about, but it only accounts for about 1% of distracted accidents. While these statistics are based on the Fatality Analysis Reporting System, a database maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, they aren't going to be perfectly accurate because victims of accidents aren't always quick to admit they were distracted. You can assume that these figures are under-representing the issue to some degree. How to Stay Safe Unfortunately, it's easy to leave your phone alone or put down your coffee while driving. Trying to keep your mind focused on the task can be a tougher job. Here are a few suggestions to eliminate driving-while-daydreaming.
“Ask Jeff" is a weekly post made on the RyanAgency.com Blog.
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