Non-Tobacco (or Non-Smoker) rates are typically available to applicants who have abstained from products for a specified period of time. The time required to abstain from tobacco products differs by carrier - and - the specific rating program.
By way of example, one life insurance company’s (named after an American President) tobacco definition reads as follows:
- Preferred Plus Non-Tobacco Rates
- No tobacco/nicotine products in 36 months. Occasional cigar use of up to 12 cigars a year with a urine specimen negative for nicotine,
- Preferred Non-Tobacco Rates
- No tobacco/nicotine products in 24 months. Occasional cigar use of up to 24 cigars a year with a urine specimen negative for nicotine
Another carrier, (named after a capital sum earning interest) underwriting guidelines read:
- Super Preferred Non-Tobacco Rates
- Tobacco use includes any tobacco or nicotine product (i.e., cigar, patch, bum & marijuana). No tobacco use for five (5) years ages 20–80.
- Preferred Non-Tobacco Rates
- Tobacco use includes any tobacco or nicotine product (i.e., cigar, patch, bum & marijuana). No tobacco use for two (2) years, ages 20–70. Three (3) years ages 71–85. Exception - 12 or fewer cigars per year with a negative urine.
- Super Standard Non-Tobacco Rates
- Tobacco use includes any tobacco or nicotine product (i.e., cigar, patch, bum & marijuana). No tobacco use for one (1) year ages 20–70. Three (3) years ages 71–85
That's probably more information than you wanted to know. Yet, it illustrates how life insurance companies slice and dice their rating programs.
Oh, and you might ask… "How will they know". The answer is, they may not. That is if one who applies passes a urine test with no nicotine showing, and it is not mentioned on any attending physician report.
However, if one were to pass away within the Incontestability Period after applying for life insurance, and there was reason to question the applicant's honesty on the topic, negative consequences may result.
Quitting smoking can result in lower rates for life insurance. Barring a special type of rate and program, a smoker must usually abstain for a year to be eligible for the higher cost non-tobacco rates.
Important note… An applicant's nicotine habits are just one (albeit a significant one ) health factor of many that are considered in the final rate one receives when applying for life insurance.
And, as is revealed above, all life insurance rating plans are not created equal. One non-tobacco rate is not the same as another.
Have more questions about life insurance? We LOVE to help! Please call us today at 607-324-7500