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Let’s start with establishing the following: There is really no such thing as “full coverage” with any type of insurance. Even so, the phrase is used repeatedly within the realm of auto insurance.
The more valuable question is What do people typically “count” as “full coverage”?
Many times the phrase refers to an auto policy that includes all of the state required coverages plus:
By way of advice, if an insurance agent is utilizing the words “full coverage”, you are wise to be skeptical.
First… even if you purchased EVERY auto insurance coverage part available and then added all of the enhancements that an insurance company may provide, there are still losses that will not be provided coverage.
Auto insurance coverage parts that are available in New York State (and many other states) include:
It’s not uncommon for some to reference “full coverage” as just the coverage parts in bold above. See how disconnected the term can be from what is actually available?
It is best for anyone considering their options with auto insurance to completely disassociate themselves from the term “full coverage”, instead, do your homework and partner with an agent who knows their stuff.
You can find them quite easily: Find the Best Insurance Agent for You
Wait… on the other hand, try this:
Here’s a quickie interview for determining who you should use as an auto insurance agent.
Would you like to discuss pricing for different limits and coverages? And, their appropriateness for your situation? We here for you. Please feel welcome to call us at 607-324-7500, or request a quote online at
“Ask Jeff" is a weekly post made on the RyanAgency.com Blog.
Submit an insurance-related question to “Ask Jeff”.
This article may have been originally published at Quora.com.
To see Jeff's Quora.com profile click here.
Hornell: 607-324-7500
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