Insurance of any kind is a financial tool that transfers risk of loss.
An individual’s need for collision coverage is not determined by whether or not their car is “paid off”. Other factors determine the “need”.
If that logic were true, thirty years into a home loan, homeowners insurance could/should be canceled.
- The value of the vehicle in question.
- The cost of collision insurance.
The insured’s ability to replace the vehicle in the event of an accident. (which would include a hit-and-run, a not-at-fault accident with an uninsured driver, weather-related accidents)
There are plenty of cases where it would make sense for someone to carry collision insurance on a car that was paid off, given a review of the decision points above.
If the question was “Am I required to carry collision insurance if my car is paid off” then the answer might be a short “no”.
On the other hand, even if a loan is paid off, if one is unable to absorb the financial loss of their vehicle and the cost of the coverage is reasonable compared to car's value, it may make perfect sense to say one "needs" the coverage.
Would you like to discuss your Car Insurance coverage in greater detail? We’re here for you. Give us a call at 607-324-7500, or contact us via chat on our website: