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Much of the information on how to reduce utility bills and electricity costs is targeted to the typical homeowner or residential situation. But you can also make some smart choices to bring down those bills from a business perspective too. Utilities for a business are a little different so it can be more effective to have the right information rather than rely on residential tips. Change the Light Bulbs
No matter what kind of business you are in, there is a pretty good chance you have lights. And when lights are on all through business hours, that can rack up a lot of electricity usage. Cut those bills down by replacing the bulbs with high-efficiency LEDs wherever possible. They use a fraction of the power and last for many years. Turn Down the Hot Water
If you have washrooms or a kitchen in your business, you should consider checking the temperature of your hot water. Unless you have a situation where people are going to be showering, you definitely don't need to maintain water heat like you would in a house. No more than the recommended minimum of 140F is necessary for most business locations. Check for Water Leaks
In an environment where there are seldom used washrooms, such as a store with facilities for customers, it's easy to develop leaks and have them go unnoticed. Bathrooms should be inspected daily for dripping taps or running toilets.
Leaks are also an issue around large windows. Caulking is a must to keep heat in, and blinds can be vital in the summer to keep the heat out. Double-glazed windows are much better insulators than older windows with a single layer of glass. For large display windows, this can make a huge difference in your heating (and cooling) bills to have modern glass. Watch the Thermostat
Most business, whether it's retail or an office, don't have people around during the night. You can let the heat drop significantly (or ease off on the a/c) after business hours without having to worry about anyone's comfort. The only catch is that you don't overdo it. If you let your business get very cold through the night, for example, it can be hard on the furnace to bring it back up to comfortable levels in the morning.
If staff can never remember to turn the heat down at the end of the day, you should get a programmable thermostat to take care of it. They're not expensive and easy to install. Recycle
Depending on your waste disposal options, you may be paying to have garbage hauled away. You can reduce this expense by creating less trash wherever possible, and adding some recycling to your facilities. Customers and clients will also be impressed with any eco-initiatives you are taking too, which can be a little good PR at the same time. Get a Professional Opinion
Basic tips can only get you so far. A professional energy or utility audit can be a very sound investment to really get the information you need in terms of where you are wasting money. Talk to your utility company and see if they offer such a service, or can recommend someone who does. If you are renting (but still paying utilities for your space), talk to the landlord about organizing an inspection.
Some of these ideas are quick and cheap, and some will take a little more effort and probably a bit of cash outlay too. Overall, saving on your utility bills is worth it in the long run.
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“Ask Jeff" is a weekly post made on the RyanAgency.com Blog.
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This article may have been originally published at Quora.com.
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