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OK. Admittedly, this strategy doesn't benefit everyone, but it can be very beneficial for those it does. You may have unique home or auto insurance needs that prevent you from bundling with the same company. Alternatively… you might have a better rate without the bundle discount by splitting up your insurance between multiple carriers.
However, for some clients, this strategy can be a game-changer. In these cases, a substantial discount is typically applied to both policies, which can be significant!
Here's a real-world example:
TOTAL BUNDLE SAVINGS: $279 per year (just shy of 10%)
Not all company's multi-policy discounts work the same or involve the same types of policies.
Again, It's important to note that this discount only works for some. Our staff understands this and is sensitive to the potential of multi-policy or home/car discounts. We're here to help, whether you're interested in the discount or other benefits of having the same auto and home insurer.
Multi-policy discounts can significantly lower insurance costs. Everyone at
The Ryan Agencies would welcome your call to discuss this potential discount in more detail!
“Ask Jeff" is a weekly post made on the RyanAgency.com Blog.
Submit an insurance-related question to “Ask Jeff”.
This article may have been originally published at Quora.com.
To see Jeff's Quora.com profile click here.
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